Thursday, August 6, 2009

I've created a monster! :o)

So shortly after I started blogging - which I'm starting to wonder why I bother doing because no-one seems to be reading it - I told my wife she should start. You'll enjoy it, I said. It's fun.

So she tried it and now she's blogging 3 or 4 times a day! Every time I look there's another blog entry. And she's already got a few followers other than family. Plus all her family and friends are reading and commenting on it and giving her positive feedback.
Even her Mom (who isn't on-line) heard about it from someone else. She said something like: "I heard you're doing a really interesting blog...what's a blog?"

Anyway - my wife is a blog crazy and it's great. She loves it, she's networking and keeping connected, and she's even made a few cents through Google Adsense.
Keep it up hon!

Follow her blog here: Niqi's Nook.

1 comment:

  1. thanks honey

    I am enjoying it - i wish my friends and family would comment on the site but at least they send me emails. :)


Go ahead and comment - you know you want to.